When did your interest in fashion begin?
I honestly never really thought I’d end up working in a model agency. It was actually quite far from my interests, when I was younger. I always showed up in football jerseys to any event and that was also my main interest.
I kind of slipped into the whole fashion industry when I was 19 and just graduated from school. My girlfriend back then was working in a model agency and they were looking for someone to build the austrian branch of the agen- cy and since I kinda had time and did not really know what to do I ended up working there as a booker.
After starting there I found out that I really enjoy working in this industry, I became a good booker quite fast and my interest in fashion was born.
Let’s talk a about your agency. When did you decide it was time to create it and why?
I was working as a booker for about a year and a half and I just saw so many things at my job that I completely ha- ted, the whole philosophy was outda- ted and all processes were super slow. I was always someone who wanted to push the models to the next level, to push the whole agency into a different and more exclusive direction and I wanted to be very selective with the models I wanted to sign, which was not what my boss had in mind. His main interest was to squeeze as much money out of every single model as he could and just signed some of the girls accor- ding to his personal preferences. So we ended up having a fight and me and my business partner decided to leave the agency and that’s how the whole idea of ATM was born.
We always wanted to have a boutique agency, where a selected group of models is offered to clients. We were pushing to bring models to the fashion capitals right away and never really
focused on the national Austrian mar- ket. Our goals were always higher. Up to this day, we still appreciate our core values of fairness, transparency and our super fast and easy to work with attitude which is appreciated by our models and clients.

What do you like the most about your job?
I love that fashion is so fast and sometimes you get up in the morning and you have no idea what your day is going to look like. I love the hectic and the quic- kly changing work environment and I work very well under pressure and so I love the challenge in all areas.
I also love the people. I met so many amazing characters during my journey and I truly appreciate every single one of them. The best part about it is seriously, when you watch the whole development of a new model, from the moment the model is scouted and takes the first polas at the agency, to the first big show that you are streaming on a TV and you feel like the proudest per- son on earth is magical and still gives me shivers thinking back of all this amazing moments.
What is your goal for addicted to models as it continues to grow?
We grew a lot during the last years and we just hired an experienced booker to cover the German market exclusively. Our aim is to still stay a family and give the right attention to all our mo- dels and to keep up the high standards we stand for. We will never be a mass agency with countless faces on a websi- te. We will always stay a family, where people take care of each other. Our goal is to stay true to our core values, but to grow the agency and cover more and more market and of course we want to help clients find the right fits for their brands.
Right now we are expanding into other markets and we want to take more and more market share in Europe. We want to establish ATM more and more in Europe and make it even more well known throughout the industry. We want to be known for our quick and professional working attitude and book our models into the biggest campaigns and jobs possible.
What are the biggest challenges for you?
I think most agencies have the same struggles. The industry is changing and clients demand is getting broader and broader, which is a great thing. Movements like body positivity and Black Lives Matter had a big impact that was overdue as agencies we are businesses and we are serving the clients and we have to fill their de- mand, otherwise the business will not make any money.
Covid was also a hard period for many companies, but there will always be new challenges. The challenges just change, but with every hardship you master you just become better and better and that’s what I personally strive for. No matter if it’s work, sports, my relationship or anything else I do. I always want to be the best, no matter what I start and I always look to compete with people who are better and more experienced than me, because I learned that this is how you level up and outgrow yourself.

Do you have any passion besides fashion?
I love music, sports, traveling and spending time with my loved ones. Since my business is very stressful I also learned to appreciate my family, friends and nature much more. I also appreciate my girlfriend for dealing with the pressure I’m under and for totally getting work out of my head every time by making me smile and forget about the rest of the world. Spending time at the things I love really recharges my batteries and gives me back the energy to do amazing things at work and makes me unstoppable.
A song?
Haha, honestly I love Rap Music since a very young age, especially German Rap, but I think it would be inappropriate to name any of the songs.
Favorite dessert?
Sweet food is definitely one of my weaknesses and unfortunately Austria has amazing sweets. I love all kinds of cakes, desserts and chocolate, but the hands down best dish ever are „Eispalatschinken“ made by my Grandma. That like Crepes filled with vanilla ice cream and nobody makes them like my grandma does. Whenever me and my sister visit her she makes them for us ever since. So it’s not just a dish, it’s a whole experience for me.
Anything else that you would like to say?
Basically I want to thank all of the amazing people I got to meet during my time doing this. I’m super grateful for every single person I met and for all the lessons I learned. I also want to encourage everybody to never stop dreaming and to keep pushing for their goals. Fashion is sometimes a rough business, but with the right people by your side, the right motivation and with some willpower there are so many things possible. Never let anybody stop you or tell you the things you can’t do <3