Antonela, from Rosario to Miami, your journey has been remarkable. How did your early experiences in Argentina influence your path to becoming a prominent TV host internationally?
Growing up in Rosario, I was surrounded by a supportive and hardworking community. My time in Buenos Aires, where I studied, gave me invaluable tools to adapt, persevere, and grow. These lessons stayed with me when I moved to Miami. My Argentine roots give me a distinctive perspective that I infuse into my work here, allowing me to connect with a diverse audience while staying grounded in my heritage.

You’ve been a key figure on “Club Miami” for TyC Sports Internacional, with more than 50 episodes aired. How has this opportunity impacted your career as a host?
Being part of ‘Club Miami’ has been a milestone for me. It’s not just about football; it’s about connecting with a broader audience across Latin America and the U.S. The experience has sharpened my skills as a presenter and deepened my understanding of sports culture. It’s a privilege to work on a show that blends sports with lifestyle in a dynamic city like Miami.

You’ve reported on Messi’s arrival in Miami and his Inter Miami debut. As a fellow Rosarino, how did it feel to cover such a pivotal event?
It was incredibly emotional. Reporting on Messi’s arrival felt like bringing a piece of Rosario to the world stage. It was special to witness someone from my hometown making waves internationally, and I felt immense pride sharing that story with viewers. It was a defining moment for both Miami and Argentina.

The show is broadcast internationally, reaching over 15 million households. How do you approach creating content that resonates with such a diverse audience?
Understanding the diverse backgrounds of our audience is crucial. Football is a universal language, but the way it’s experienced can vary greatly from one country to another. On ‘Club Miami,’ we strive to bring content that appeals to both hardcore football fans and those who might be new to the sport. This involves balancing detailed analyses of matches and players with more general segments about football culture, including lifestyle aspects that connect the sport to the vibrant life in Miami. Our goal is to create a show that feels both informative and engaging, no matter where our viewers are watching from.

Hosting multiple shows, including “Club Miami,” must be demanding. How do you manage your time and energy across so many projects?
It’s definitely a balancing act! I prioritize my tasks and make sure to take care of myself, both physically and mentally. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and mindfulness practices are essential for keeping my energy levels high. I also have an incredible team that supports me, which allows me to focus on what I do best—engaging with my audience and delivering top-quality content. Time management is crucial, and I’ve learned to be very disciplined with my schedule.

Your coverage of President Milei’s tour included high-profile moments like receiving the Ambassador of Light award and meeting Elon Musk. How did you approach such impactful events?
These moments were significant, and I knew they would resonate with the audience. I focused on the symbolism behind the Ambassador of Light award and how it positioned President Milei on an international stage. For the meeting with Elon Musk, I highlighted the importance of two forward-thinking leaders discussing the future. It was vital to frame these events in a way that underscored their global significance.

You’ve worked with major media companies like TyC Sports Internacional and LN+. How do you negotiate deals and partnerships in the competitive world of television?
Negotiation is about understanding both your value and the other party’s needs. I always come prepared with data on my viewership, engagement metrics, and the impact I can bring to a project. It’s also crucial to listen and be flexible. Deals that benefit both sides are more sustainable, so I focus on long-term relationships rather than short-term gains. I also make sure to partner with brands and companies that align with my personal and professional values, which makes the negotiations more genuine.

Your experience as a model and actress, including your roles in Telemundo’s ‘Betty en NY’ and ‘La Mujer de mi Vida,’ has undoubtedly influenced your work as a TV host. How so?
Absolutely. Modeling and acting taught me how to engage with an audience on a deeper emotional level, which translates directly to hosting. Whether it’s presenting or interviewing, being able to connect with viewers through body language and presence is essential. It’s helped me create a more dynamic and authentic on-screen persona.

Antonela, your career spans various fields, from television to acting and modeling. How do you approach the business side of managing such a diverse career portfolio?
It’s all about strategic planning and understanding the value of each opportunity. I treat my career like a brand, ensuring that every decision aligns with my long-term goals and professional identity. Managing multiple roles requires clear prioritization and knowing when to delegate tasks. Surrounding myself with a strong team that supports me behind the scenes is essential for balancing all aspects of my career while maximizing opportunities.

As someone who’s worked in the U.S. and Latin American markets, what business strategies have you found most effective for building your brand in different regions?
Understanding the cultural nuances of each market is key. What resonates with viewers in Argentina might be different from what appeals to a U.S. audience, so tailoring my content to each demographic is crucial. Leveraging social media has been particularly effective in building a global brand, as it allows me to connect with audiences directly and understand their preferences. Additionally, I’m always learning—whether it’s about the media landscape or consumer trends in different markets—so I can make informed business decisions.

You have a background in marketing and social communication. How do you apply those skills to your current media and business ventures?
My marketing background has been a major asset in understanding audience behavior and positioning myself within the industry. It helps me craft my image, choose the right partnerships, and develop content that resonates with my viewers. In social communication, I’ve learned the importance of clear, impactful messaging, which is essential not just for TV hosting but also for business negotiations and collaborations. Every project, from TV shows to social media campaigns, is built with a strategy that combines creativity and market knowledge.

In the fast-paced world of media, how do you stay ahead of trends and maintain relevance in such a competitive industry?
Staying relevant requires constant evolution. I keep a close eye on industry trends, audience feedback, and emerging technologies. Adaptability is essential—I’m always open to trying new formats, whether it’s digital platforms, new types of content, or collaborations with other influencers. I also invest in personal growth through continuous learning and expanding my skills, which helps me stay competitive. Building relationships and collaborating with key figures in the industry also allows me to stay connected and ahead of the curve.

Looking ahead, what are your goals for the next phase of your career? Do you have any upcoming projects that you’re particularly excited about?
I’m always looking for new challenges and ways to grow, both personally and professionally. I have some exciting projects in the works, including expanding my role in international media and potentially venturing into production. I’m also exploring opportunities to create content that bridges Latin American and U.S. audiences even further. Ultimately, my goal is to continue telling stories that resonate with people and to keep pushing the boundaries of what I can achieve.

Lastly, if you could give one piece of advice to your younger self starting out in this industry, what would it be?
I’d tell myself to trust the process and be patient. It’s easy to feel like you need to rush or force things to happen, but everything falls into place when the time is right. Stay focused, keep working hard, and enjoy every moment of the journey. And most importantly, always stay true to who you are—because that’s what will set you apart.

Interview by Mirta Marquez